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Membrane Dynamics & Cell Polarity
*Corresponding author; #equal contribution; lab member
Foo JL, Ong V, Yeo C, Adamson C, Li Lanxin, Zhang D, and Qiao Y*. (2024) Biochemical characterization of recombinant Enterococcus faecalis EntV peptide to elucidate its anti-hyphal and anti-fungal activity against Candida albicans. ACS Infectious Diseases 10(9): 3408-3418.
Hoh KL#, Mu B#, See T#, Ng AYE, Ng AQE and Zhang D*. (2024) VAP-mediated membrane tethering mechanisms implicate ER-PM contact function in pH homeostasis. Cell Reports 43: 114592. (#co-first author).
(BioRxiv 2023, doi:
Biorxiv preprint - Hoh KL#, Mu B#, See T#, Ng AYE, Ng AQE and Zhang D*. (2023) VAP-mediated membrane tethering mechanisms implicate ER-PM contact function in pH homeostasis. (#co-first author)
Zhang D* and See T. (2022) Coordinated cortical ER remodeling facilitates actomyosin ring assembly. Current Biology 32: 2694-2703.e4. (*corresponding author).
Zhang D*, Saheki Y, Hu J and Kornmann B. (2021) Editorial: Coupling and uncoupling: dynamic control of membrane contacts. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 9: 721546. (*corresponding author)
Zhang D*. (2020) Interplay between endoplasmic reticulum membrane contacts and actomyosin cytoskeleton. Cytoskeleton (formerly Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton) 77: 241–248. (Invited review)
Ng AQE, Ng AYE and Zhang D*. (2020) Plasma membrane furrows control plasticity of ER-PM contacts. Cell Reports 30: 1434-1446.
Ng AYE#, Ng AQE# and Zhang D*. (2018) ER-PM contacts restrict exocytic sites for polarized morphogenesis. Current Biology 28: 146–153. (#co-first author)
Zhang D*, Bidone T and Vavylonis D*. (2016) ER-PM contacts define actomyosin kinetics for proper contractile ring assembly. Current Biology 26: 647-653. (*corresponding author)
Zhang D* and Oliferenko S*. (2014) Tts1, the fission yeast homolog of TMEM33 family, functions in NE remodeling during mitosis. Molecular Biology of the Cell 25: 2970-2983. (*corresponding author) Highlighted article in “Highlights from MBoC”
Vjestica A#, Zhang D#, Liu JH and Oliferenko S. (2013) Hsp70-Hsp40 chaperone complex functions in controlling polarized growth by repressing Hsf1-driven heat stress-associated transcription. PLoS Genetics 9: e1003886. (# co-first author) Recommended by F1000.
Zhang D and Oliferenko S. (2013) Remodeling the nuclear membrane during closed mitosis. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 25: 142-8. (Invited review)
Zhang D#, Vjestica A# and Oliferenko S. (2012) Plasma membrane tethering of the cortical ER necessitates its finely reticulated architecture. Current Biology 22: 2048-52. (#co-first author)
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